My Speeches

Michigan Economic Recovery: College Grad Retention
Where do we go from here? Well to some the outlook in Michigan is as bleak as a winter sky. However, the key to Michigan’s economic recovery from globalization’s effect on the manufacturing industry is college graduate retention. (more…)

Adam Smith

Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad you all could join me in celebrating the life of Adam Smith through his literature. I have been recently fascinated by Adam Smith and his clichés that have somewhat haunted me as of late. With phrases such as “self interests”, “free trade”, and the “invisible hand” ringing in my ears like the Liberty Bell, pre-fracture, I set my course to follow in the footsteps of Adam Smith and discover what character traits define him. (more…)

Informative Speech
Building Blocks of Financial Stability


My name is David Bruce Mahorney III and I …. I am fiscally irresponsible… That is… until I start taking control of my money instead of it controlling me… (more…)